
If you've noticed a bump on your eyelid that looks like a pimple or blister, it may be a stye. These bumps are caused by infected oil glands in your eyelids and can be uncomfortable and unsightly. In this blog post, we will explain what a stye is and how to properly treat it.

What is a stye?

A stye, also known as a hordeolum, is a bump on the eyelid that is caused by an infection in the oil glands. These oil glands, located in both the upper and lower eyelids, produce oils that go into our tears to prevent them from evaporating. When the glands become backed up and infected, a stye can form.

How is a stye treated?

If you have a stye, it is important to see our eye doctor for proper treatment. However, there are some steps you can take at home to help bring down the bump and clear the infection. One of the most effective methods is to use a warm compress. Place a warm, damp cloth over the stye for 5-10 minutes, then gently massage the area. The warmth will help to melt the oil and the massage will help to move it out of the gland.

It is important to continue using the warm compress and massaging the stye until it has cleared up, as stopping too soon can cause the bump to get bigger. It may take several weeks for the stye to fully go away.

What can you do to prevent stye?

To prevent styes from forming, it is important to practice good eyelid hygiene. This includes regularly cleaning the area with a gentle, oil-free cleanser and avoiding touching or rubbing your eyes. If you wear eye makeup, make sure to remove it thoroughly before going to bed and to replace your makeup regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria.

Visit our eye doctor for a stye or an emergency eye exam

It is recommended to see an eye doctor if you have a stye that is not improving, is uncomfortable, or is getting bigger. An eye exam will allow our optometrist to properly diagnose the stye and determine the best course of treatment. In some cases, a stye may be a sign of an underlying eye condition that needs to be treated. An eye exam can also help to rule out other potential causes of the bump on your eyelid. Even if the stye is small and does not seem to be causing any problems, it is still a good idea to have it checked out to ensure that it is properly treated and to prevent any potential complications.

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