
Post traumatic vision syndrome (PTVS) occurs when areas of the brain involved in visual function are damaged, most often as a result of a traumatic brain injury such as a stroke or concussion. Around 70% of our brains are dedicated to vision and vision processing, so it isn't surprising that traumatic brain injuries can affect the visual system.

What are the symptoms of post traumatic vision syndrome?

Symptoms of post-traumatic vision syndrome include:

Is post traumatic vision syndrome caused solely by traumatic brain injuries?

Traumatic brain injuries are typically caused by car accidents, falls and strokes. Those with cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis frequently suffer from difficulties related to the visual system as well. So it doesn't need to be a traumatic brain injury, but any neurological event can certainly negatively affect the patient's vision system, causing more confusion and preventing them from becoming independent. Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation aims to improve quality of life and restore some degree of independence and function for patients.

How is post traumatic vision syndrome diagnosed?

In order to diagnose someone with a vision problem caused by a traumatic brain injury, a neuro optometrist, or an eye doctor that specializes in functional vision following a traumatic brain injury, examines not just your eyeball but also how you stand, how you move in space, how you direct your movements, and your posture. All of these factors are crucial in identifying a vision problem.

It's important to look at the whole person and not just the eyes, since the eyes are actually corridors of information that transmits information to the brain. When there's a disruption at the level of the brain, patients experience quite a bit of confusion. Such patients do not completely stop doing the activities that they're usually accustomed to doing at home, but do so less, which affects their emotional well-being.

In such situations, eye doctors respond quickly to patients' concerns and reassure them. Empathy is crucial to understanding what these patients are going through.

Who should you see after a traumatic brain injury?

People who experience vision problems after a traumatic brain injury should consult a neuro optometrist who is experienced in treating such problems. Following an evaluation of your condition, our neuro-optometrist will develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. This treatment, also called neuro optometric rehabilitation may include vision therapy exercises, prism lenses, light therapy and vision aids. Every person's recovery time and treatment will be different. Our goal at Amplify EyeCare of Greater Long Beach is to make sure traumatic brain injury patients are constantly improving and regaining independence.

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