
Low vision treatment is necessary when you have a condition that affects your vision, whether it's a disease or an incident that caused it, or something that causes it to become worse and you are not seeing as well as about 20/40, which is the DMV standard for a lot of states.

When a patient does not see 20/40 because of various reasons, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, genetic conditions, and any condition that reduces a patient's vision, a low vision optometrist will help by focusing on solutions that are beyond the usual glasses or contact lenses. For someone with permanent vision loss, glasses are not going to help them see better because of the disease process or other factors.

A low vision evaluation is about helping the patient understand the options available for them to maximize their vision and get the most independence.

Life with low vision

In the event that your low vision eye doctor determines that vision loss cannot be corrected by standard eyewear, medicine or surgery, they will assist you in finding ways to adapt.

At first, these steps might seem challenging, but they will eventually lead to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

You will likely be referred to a low vision specialist by an eye doctor who does not specialize in low vision. A low vision optometrist will assess your vision and prescribe low vision aids that are based on your needs and goals, such as:

  • Handheld magnifiers with lights
  • A digital magnifier for your desktop
  • Bioptic telescopes
  • An application that simplifies computer usage with features like magnification and text-to-speech
  • Printed material with large text
  • Sound recordings
  • Special light fixtures
  • Signature guides for signing checks and documents
  • With tinted UV filters, you may be able to enhance light sensitivity and contrast
Visit a Low Vision eye center at an Amplify EyeCare practice near you:


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